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In GoCoCo, we want to provide more information about the documents that comprise our score, as it is based on scientific rigor. In this article, we analyze the first document we have selected for our algorithm: the WHO Regional Office for Europe nutrient profile model.
What are the elements that determine that a food is good or bad? Does food really have so much importance in our longevity? Read this article and find out!
Are there any vitamin or mineral deficiencies that trigger sugar cravings? In this article, we'll uncover which ones and provide some tips to help you avoid them through your diet!
Many of us wonder if monosodium glutamate (MSG) is suitable for people suffering from Celiac disease who need to maintain a gluten free diet. In this article, we’ll gently explain what MSG and gluten are, and why MSG is gluten-free, even though most products that contain it are typically not. 🤔
Honey may seem like a healthy alternative to sugar... But it is not! Find out why in this post!
We find in our supermarkets an infinite number of yogurts with different health slogans... But are these yogurts really healthy? 🤔
Breakfast Cereals
There is a popular belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day..... But is it true? Let's find out!
Do you think juice is the same as eating fruit? Well... no! In this article we will explain what juices are really about nutritionally and why it is better to avoid them 😉