Is protein yogurt a really good source of protein? Are all the yogurts good for your health? We will explain all the mysteries of this dairy product!

Yogurt is a dairy product created by fermenting milk with certain bacterial cultures. These cultures break down the lactose in the milk and produce lactic acid, which thickens the milk and gives it a distinctive tangy taste. Depending on the milk used and fermentation process, yogurt can have different textures and consistencies. It's a great source of protein, calcium, and probiotics, and numerous studies have shown that consuming yogurt and other fermented foods may enhance both intestinal and overall health.

What most supermarket yogurts are like?

Ecologic, 0% fat, with fruit (not really fruit) , high in proteins... Are all these yogurts really healthy for us? We find endless choices in the dairy aisle and many of them promise to lead us to the fountain of youth. 

The most important thing when choosing a yogurt is to look at how much sugar it contains, not so much the fat content. Most of them contain more than 10%, which is a lot of sugar. We have to do is to look carefully at the ingredients: Agave syrup, dextrose, honey, high fructose corn syrup... if none of these appear, this yogurt is on the right track, because these ingredients are the same as sugar!

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And another fact! The comercial fruit yogurts don't content much fruit! They have tinny pieces of fruit in the best of the cases... The majority have mermelade ( fruit with sugar!) or only flavours, that don't contant any propierty that fruit does! So the best way to have a fruity yogurt is buying a natural one and put in there real fruit! Makes sense 😂

Are yogurts marketed as rich in protein and 0% fat really healthy for you? 

Protein yogurt or high in protein yogurt may contain protein powders and other additives, like sweeteners, which would lead to classifying them as ultra-processed. Additionally, we’re paying more for a protein benefit that we can get from another and more natural protein source that can provide us with more nutrients.  A simple hack for this would be by adding your favorite raw peanut or almond butter on a natural yogurt and voila, simple homemade yogurt high in protein. 🥜

And low fat yogurts aren’t any healthier for you than plain yogurts. If your diet doesn't include foods that are high in poor-quality fats, such as french fries, battered and fried meats cooked in refined oils, or butter-rich pastries, then the small amount of fat in your yogurt won't upset the balance of your diet. In fact, it can be beneficial! A diet that includes saturated fats from full-fat dairy products like yogurt won't have the same impact as saturated fats from processed fast food on your health.

When choosing a yogurt, it's important to look beyond the marketing claims and carefully evaluate the ingredients and nutritional content. Yogurts that are low in sugar, minimally processed, and made with whole food ingredients are generally the best choice for overall health and nutrition.

Simple hacks to turn your plain yogurt into a nutrition powerhouse

Here are a few new ideas to add texture and flavor naturally to your healthy yogurts!

  • Plain Greek yogurt with nuts and strawberries 
  • Plain yogurt with muesli without sugar, chopped dates and chia seeds 
  • Kefir with almond butter, raisins and pumpkin seeds. (find Kefir in your yogurt aisle; packed with probiotics and great for gut health)

We hope you liked this article and that we’ve inspired you with a few new healthy yogurt ideas. As you can see they are very delicious! 

Article written by Laura Guinovart Martín, certified Dietitian and Nutritionist; Specialized in TCA, Obesity and Food Development and Design; Nº Col:CAT002123

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