The US food industry has long buried the truth. Is this coming to an end?

May 30, 2024

The US food industry has long buried the truth. Is this coming to an end?

A little marvel article by Cecilia Nowell: in a single take you get the overview from a US perspective on food & nutrition hot topics. A highly recommended read for busy people. No time to read? No worries, we have picked our favorite quotes :

-front-of-pack labeling: "Despite significant opposition from food companies, many of which are drawing on big tobacco’s playbook, the FDA is evaluating different mandatory label designs to determine which is most effective at informing consumers"
-ultra-processed food: "UPFs are industrially formulated products made out of substances extracted from foods"
-dietary guidelines: "Those guidelines form the basis for all federal food policies [...] All of this helps to explain why Americans with lower incomes eat the most ultra-processed food"
-conflicts of interest: 'fun' fact "95% of the members of the 2020 dietary guidelines committee had conflicts of interest with the food or pharmaceutical industries" 🤨

To take it to the next step, you can download the GoCoCo food scanning App which provides:
- a global product score (so you don't need to get a Master's degree in nutrition labels or NOVA)
- healthier alternative products (we won't leave you stranded)
- very practical lessons to support your journey (down to earth approach of the guidelines)
- all without any conflict of interest (we're not scared of scoring a 0/10 or 3/10, it is what it is)

Check it out!

Download GoCoCo
food tracker & product scanner


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