Discover the next 5-year market outlook for ultra-processed foods (UPFs)

May 28, 2024

Spoiler alert: it's not good news (for some).

How we think it will go :
1. A growth increase is predicted for UPFs
2. Markets grow if people buy, and when you buy food, especially long shelf-life UPFs, you eat them: NOT good news for us people nor for public health budgets 😟

Luckily, in countries like the US, the GoCoCo app can help find your way:
✅ scan food barcodes and check their global health score (including WHO + ultra-processing + nutritional criteria)
✅ switch to a healthier alternative if relevant
✅ browse through healthy food options and recipes
✅ learn with our lessons on a wide range of topics

Technavio's market analysis: 👉

Download GoCoCo
food tracker & product scanner


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